Our Approach
Animal Alliance Network is a 501c3 nonprofit that is part of The Save Movement, a worldwide group that holds vigils outside of slaughterhouses and live markets. We hold our weekly vigils outside of a slaughterhouse in Vernon, CA, along with LA Animal Save, another Save Movement group in Los Angeles who also hosts weekly vigils. We work with all animal rights groups in our area and beyond to help stop the mistreatment and deaths of billions of animals worldwide.
The Save Movement
The Save Movement is comprised of groups around the world who bear witness to pigs, cows, chickens and other farmed animals en route to slaughter. Our goals are to raise awareness about the plight of farmed animals, to help people become vegan, and to build a mass-based, grassroots animal justice movement. The Save Movement started in December 2010 with the inception of Toronto Pig Save. Today there are over 660 groups in Canada, the U.S., U.K. & Ireland, Australia, continental Europe, Hong Kong, South Asia, East Asia, South Africa, Mexico and Central/South America.
Meet the Team

This Could Be You
Email us at the theanimalalliancenetwork@gmail.com if you would like to be a part of our team.
Donate to The Animal Alliance Network
Help us continue our fight to end animal cruelty. No donation is too small.